The rivers flowing into the Golfo Dulce are home to unstudied populations of Crocodiles. 

costa rica crocodile research

large vertebrates are particularly susceptible to the loss of quality, connected habitats.

Our goal for Osa Crocs is to better understand the habits of our two native species: the American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus). Only through field research can we begin to understand the distribution, behaviors, and health of these species. 

We approach this program three ways:

  • Study of crocodile habitats with a particular focus on the areas in close proximity to human inhabitance, fishing, and recreational activities.

  • Assessment of water quality and ecotoxicology, as crocs directly consume this as drinking water.

  • Document crocodile behavioral responses to recreational visitors and fisherman, to better understand the true risks to human safety.

This data is invaluable for predator management and educational opportunities for local fisherman and visitors. We believe the Osa community must be engaged in order to improve stewardship behaviors, manage natural resources in sustainable ways, and increase awareness of habitat threats as it relates to their own well-being. 

Currently, we conduct surveys on the seasonal distribution of local species and their behaviors in riverine and lagoon habitats of coastal areas along the Osa Peninsula and Golfo Dulce. With your help, we can do more.